
mercoledì 25 giugno 2014


Hello my dear stichers! A veeeery quick note to show you the exclusive pattern designed for the Prim Sisters Club by Country Sampler. My 'Needlewoman - Busy as a busy bee' has been finished in a cute bag perfect to store your work in progress.

I CAN'T SELL THIS PATTERN, in order to get it please contact Jeanne Horton by Country Sampler, this is her email address:

DMC threads
30 ct Old Salem Linen

** Country Sampler finishings: I received few requests about finishing instructions for the pattern designed in exclusive for The Prim Club of Country Sampler. I'm not good enough to write finishing instructions, but I hope you'll find this note helpfull, I'll post pictures of the pattern in few days:
Stitch the pattern according to the graph using 2 threads of floss.
Then sew an additional piece of fabric on the top the stitched piece, in order to can fold it in two (we'll call this piece A)
Cut another piece of fabric as long as piece A (we'll call this piece B). Put right side A with right side B together and sew leaving a small opened piece in order to turn fabric.
Turn inside out and sew the opened piece with slip stitch. Press and fold it. Now you can add a small pocket sewing a piece of fabric using slip stitch.
This lovely pattern has been shipped with Old Salem Linen and with my beloved logo hare :) Look... more thank 200 lil hares, all handmade!

 My hare thread keeper and Old Salem Linen can be
bought on my Etsy as usual :)
and here my LOGO HARE: CLIK
my lil hare is available in white - black - cream and pink :)
Thanks again!!!! Luv u all, have a nice day!

11 commenti:

  1. You certainly have been a 'busy bee'! All of your designs are just great!

  2. All of your designs are just great,
    Have a nice day

  3. Tutti i tuoi disegni sono straordinariamente fantastici.
    Buon giovedi

  4. Wow, what a nice bag and what a lot of hare's packages! Greetings

  5. Beautiful project!!
    Love the cotton fabric that you used!! :)
    Your linen looks amazing!
    And the logo is so sweet!! :)


  6. very VERY beautiful your needlework.GLO

  7. My kit arrived from Country Sampler & I love it!!!! The hare was such a happy surprise!! So glad to have a piece of your work!

  8. What a beautiful "keeper". I emailed her for the pattern information. It is such a beautiful design and so useful. You've been busy!

  9. This is lovely! I joined the club and I was wondering have you put out the next piece for the Prim Club?
    I'm looking forward to it!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love hearing from you and appreciate all your skills. *Isabella/Argante*