The Primitive Hare is not only cross stitch... I have created this lovely doll in october when I attend at my first important market, but I have forgotten to present her to you... Let me present you Miss Abigail Bishop...
to order:
Abigail Bishop just said this: "I've been created with calm and patience. My name is Abigail, and I'm an ancient doll"
Abigail is a doll with a body re-built minutely and an ancient dress in American colonial style: bodice, skirt, underpants and a belt, all separately sewn.
Arms and legs can be easily fold and it is really simple to construct it. The chart contains instructions and patterns for the creation.
14 commenti:
Troooppo gnocca la cara Aby...compagna di fiera a Vicenza!!!
Baci e tutte e due
Aww so sweet..I love the doll so much..
Hugs xxxx
Very beautiful! Blessings, Shirlee
What a charming beauty! Wonderfully designed and sewed!
Wowwwwww...è bellissima!!!
выражаю ВОСТОРГ!!!!!
...e se le facessi anche un fidanzato a questa signorina????
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! very nice girl !!!
Congrats my dear ! it is beautiful !!!
Molto carina Abigail!!!
Tro che sia decisamente diversa dalle tantisisme bambole che si vedono in giro per i vari blog e l'abito poi è una chicca con un tessuto bellissimo. COMPLIMNTI!!!!!!
These doll is toooooooooooo lovely!:-)I like it!
bellissima anche nei tessutiii
E' davvero meravigliosa !!!! Alessandra
Che bella!!!! Ddavvero hai le mani d'oro! Ciao Ely
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