sabato 17 ottobre 2015


Hello girls . Today I'm going to leave for the States. I have some infos for you:

- my ETSY shop is open BUT I'll sell only pdf patterns, no physical items because I can't sip them.... and I don't want you to wait 2 weeks or more. I'll email pdf asa I'll have a chance, probably every evening, but sometimes I'd need more than a day, have patience. Thanks

- if you need to order something special or if you need to ask me something send me an email at
I'll answer asap.

- can't wait to arrive in the States and meet some of you :))))) Have a very happy week end!


saturday 24th october
87 W. Brookfield Rd. - North Brookfield - MA 01535
This is my first show! Maeann, the owner of this shop, will host me for a wonderful afternoon. I hope to meet a lot of you girls! I'll have a lot of my originals, my patterns, fabrics, pins.... You can have your original paper copies, fabric... tips :) And we 'll chat and have fun! Enjoy this wonderful event !
Contact Maeann for special orders and infos:  CONTACT MAEANN CLIK

Stitchin' Fiesta
Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX
During this wonderful seminary I'll be hosted by the stand of ABC Stitch Therapy. I'll have all my original models, my patterns, fabrics, pins... everything you need. Not EGA member may have shopping, no problem :) Please contact Marie (ABC stitch therapy owner) for special orders and further informations. Thanks!  CONTACT MARIE CLIK

2 commenti:

Kim Campbell ha detto...

Someday you'll need to come to Kansas City! I love your blog, I recently discovered it. I have read every post from the beginning!!! Well, since I haven't read Italian since college some posts I couldn't read. lol Have a wonderful trip to the states!

Heritage Hall ha detto...

This should be an ornament on every tree this year...joining
those of 9/ll... Many thanks for that sentiment.