martedì 29 marzo 2016

THE FULL MOON CLUB - March release-

Hi My dear friends. I'm happy to announce that the MARCH FULL MOON PATTERN is now available and you can download it. Unfortunately I had some bad issues with the pattern I use to design, and I was in the States, so I had no way to fix it.... I'm sorry for the delay. THANKS SO MUCH TO MY DEAREST Elisabetta who stitched this pattern in an evening......

This month is the month of the Crow Moon

Each design is based on one on the 12 magical Full moon of the lunar calendar. The pattern will include a full colored cover, the chart, and the meaning and traditions of the monthly moon.

FABRIC USED: 60x60 cm (BIG CUT) Old Salem Linen 30 ctI'll design the SAL and you'll be able to stitch it on a BIG cut all together, or, you can stitch it in 13 different pillows, in this case you'd need more linen...
I'm also used to leave only a lil border when I frame, so, if you are used to leave a larger border and want to stitch the whole sal together, you'd tell me how many cm of border you need, so I'd be able to calculate the correct measures :)

all questions at:

The other patterns will be available on:
April 22nd
May 21st
June 20th
July 20th
August 18th
September 16th
October 16th
November 14th
December 14th

Remember to download the patterns and save them on your computer. In the case you’d forget to download the monthly pattern do not hesitate and send me an email or an Etsy convo. You’ll NOT receive any advice or email, you just have to go at the indicated links and download the patterns.

OLD SALEM LINEN:To stitch this SAL I used my special hand dyed linen Old Salem. Old Salem is a precious 30 count linen, you can order it right now e-mailing me at:

Thanks so much! HAPPY STITCHING!!!!!

1 commento:

Christina ha detto...

Great design. Off to download mine. ;)